Overwhemed, bored or hopeless, Mother?

Do the staggering responsibilities of all the people in your care leave you feeling overwhelmed, bored or hopeless? Feeling this way is not uncommon among women, particularly stay-at-home moms and homeschooling mothers. It’s not uncommon, but it does not have to...

Preparing Your Teen for the ACT

One of the beauties of home schooling is that I get to personalize our education for each child’s strengths and weaknesses. Concurrent with that is that our two goals for our homeschool are as follows: 1.  Love the Lord, know Jesus and follow him. 2. Be...

I Need This Little Boy’s Heart

  Sometimes when you are a mama, you realize someone is slipping through the cracks.  Usually it’s the teenagers.  You suddenly notice a “pulling away” or a lack of trust developing.  But, in this case, it is my little fellow, Daniel.  You see,...

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