Master List of Online Classes for Homeschoolers

This resource was developed to go along with our curriculum, 7 Days to Your Best Homeschool Year Ever. One I love: (hundreds of classes, all ages, baby to adult, tons of included resources) one low price for all the classes your family wants to...

Review: My School Year (Homeschool Record Keeping) has generously given me the use of their school planning product My School Year (Homeschool Record Keeping for my 3 youngest students, David (11), Daniel (6) and Rebecca (3). This is an online product where the teacher (me) goes into the interface and...

Review: Homeschool Copywork

  Homeschool Copywork  has given our family the opportunity to review their copy work and has given us a Lifetime Membership  to their Copywork site. I am thankful for the lifetime membership because I can see many areas we can use this over the upcoming years as...

Review: Home School in the Woods

It’s an election year, y’all. And everyone will be talking about elections non-stop until it’s over. My son, now ten will be aware of this for the first time. It seemed like the perfect time for him to learn how elections work in the U.S. So, to help...

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