Overwhemed, bored or hopeless, Mother?

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OverwhelmedDo the staggering responsibilities of all the people in your care leave you feeling overwhelmed, bored or hopeless?

Feeling this way is not uncommon among women, particularly stay-at-home moms and homeschooling mothers. It’s not uncommon, but it does not have to be your permanent reality. Confession time:this is something I have personally dealt with on a cyclical basis. I am here to reassure you, it gets better, and through Christ it can improve. Here are my top five suggestions for pushing past and overcoming times like this.

  1. FILL YOUR MIND with truth.Study God’s word regularly and deeply. Dig out your bible and dump your phone for an hour a day and fill up your soul. Can’t do an hour? Try a few minutes. Do it methodically and regularly. Post the truth (scripture) around your home, on your walls, on the mirrors, and in your calendar. Change your phone lock screen to a decorative scripture.
  2. Read amazing, inspiring books.
  3. Make relationships with others a priority. Start with your spouse, then your kids, then look for those around you that you want to pour some love and energy into. Make a commitment to serve others. Write an encouraging note to someone when you are feeling low. You’ll both end up with a morale boost.
  4. Become part of something bigger than your little world. Give to missions. Give generously and selflessly into a cause that you see yourself receiving no personal benefit. Practicing unselfishness is a balm for a depressed soul.
  5. Take care of the physical things that are lacking. Push yourself to get the right amount of sleep, more water and some regular exercise. Feeling physically bad leads to feeling emotionally bad, and then a bad cycle begins. Just go ahead and make some positive changes in this area, even if you don’t “feel like it.” It helps.

What do you do when you’re feeling down?





  1. Carole

    I eat something healthy, like a big salad. Many times lack of nutrition will make you feel depressed. It often leaves me feeling happier and energized!

  2. Amy

    I like to listen to Christian music, read, or go for a walk. You are so right with being God’s word more… I do lack that discipline and this year I am going to get better with that….

  3. Malia

    Good for you, Amy. I know it changes everything when we stay in the Word- it’s his love letter to us! We can cherish it and re-open it every day!

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