Reorganizing/Taking a Dose of My Own Medicine

One of the things I talk about in my Chaos to Order seminar is the fact that children have too many toys and it is unfair to have a room full of toys for them and expect them to keep them orderly.  it is overwhelming and frustrating for the child.  However, in the...

Go Clean Your Kitchen!

Reader question: When my whole house is messy I do not even know how to get started. My kitchen is filled with dishes, garbage, clutter, etc and I cannot even get in there to clean it up. Can you help? My answer: I cannot stand it when my kitchen is a yucky mess. As...

Will You Share About Your Day?

When we first began home educating back in 2000 I was very interested in hearing how other women ran their home schools.  I wanted to know all the details.  Did they keep a schedule?  Did they use chore charts and curriculum?  Did they say the Pledge of Allegiance...

The Difficult Child, Part 5

Go here to read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 We are approaching the end of this mini-series on Teaching the Difficult Child. Over the last few days, we have talked about the acronym S-T-O-P. Here is a review: S-Stop the sarcasm, joking, and belittling of my child...

De-Cluttering Day

Take them and be purified with them, and pay their expenses so that they may shave their heads, and that all may know that those things of which they were informed concerning you are nothing, but that you yourself also walk orderly and keep the law. Acts 21:24 We woke...

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