Reorganizing/Taking a Dose of My Own Medicine

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One of the things I talk about in my Chaos to Order seminar is the fact that children have too many toys and it is unfair to have a room full of toys for them and expect them to keep them orderly.  it is overwhelming and frustrating for the child.  However, in the several months since we purchased Wheat-n-Things, lots of things have slipped through the cracks and I have been neglecting certain things to keep all my other balls in the air.

Yesterday, I had the girls help me by taking ALL of David’s (5) toys out of the room he shares with his baby brother (13 mos.).  David and I then created a nice, neat play area in the basement.  He also pared down some toys.  Now, his bedroom is sparse.  He has his bed, his books on his shelf,   and his stuffed animals.  His little brother’s clothes are in there in the dresser.  We already removed his clothes awhile back because he wakes so early and was having to wait for Daniel to get up to get dressed.  The room should be super-easy to keep clean now, and David said: “I love my neat play area, and I love my bedroom. It’s so peaceful.”

So I am taking a dose of my own medicine and beginning to restore some of my home and some of our peace.  Now, today’s tackle-it project is my desk and paperwork area.

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