Why Chess?

I am sitting in the dining room watching Anne Mary (10) and her chess tutor going over a lesson.  Since my girls are in chess tournaments each Monday, I often remark on facebook about how they are doing, and I am frequently asked, “Why chess?” When we...

The Difficult Child, Part 4

Go here to read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Let’s review the past few days of our discussion on Teaching the Difficult Child: Do you remember the Acronym?  S-T-O-P? S-Stop the sarcasm, joking, and belittling of my child T-truth- I became convinced that from that day...

Simple Discipline

“Let your rules be consistent and your consequences simple.  If you have to write down your consequences in order to remember them, they are too complicated.  If they last for days on end, and no one can remember what exactly the consequences are, or why you are...

A Child Left to Himself Disgraces His Mother

The rod and rebuke give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.  Proverbs 29:15 It’s Friday again.  I can tell that I have been less  than intentional with my child training this month (with the six scheduled speaking engagements, the...

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