52 Ways to Save Time: Do the Dreaded Thing First

Everyone has a chore they do not like.  For me, it is rinsing the cloth diapers to prepare them for washing.  I do not like the task at all, but I sure LOVE saving money by using cloth diapers for our daughter and granddaughter.  But, I found that because I dreaded...

Best Way to Establish a New Habit

I was reading through Kim Brenneman’s book: Large Family Logistics and was reminded of something I learned a long time ago, but had forgotten. If you are trying to add something new to your life (a new habit, a new routine) the best way I have found is to attach...

Prepping for a De-Clutter Day

Saturday I have a de-cluttering day on the calendar. If you do these regularly, you start to pick up hints and tips to make it easier. Here is what I am doing to make it easier: 1. Going through the younger children’s room early. Since Daniel naps much of the...

Today My Fridge Is Almost Empty

I was at a friend’s house a couple of years ago and I opened the fridge to put something away and it was nearly empty.  At first I was surprised, but considering my friend had a bunch of kids (like we do) and a pretty low budget for groceries, I should have...

Will You Share About Your Day?

When we first began home educating back in 2000 I was very interested in hearing how other women ran their home schools.  I wanted to know all the details.  Did they keep a schedule?  Did they use chore charts and curriculum?  Did they say the Pledge of Allegiance...

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