Going Minimal

Tip: Donations are best put in a black bag, so you cannot see what is inside and change your mind! If I am decluttering a large area, I may have a bag for actual trash too. Then I use a white bag for trash and the black for donations. I have to be totally clear. We...

Fall 2020 School? You CAN do this!

This week many of my friends have started back to school with a year that looks way different than they hoped. Some are homeschooling for the first time, some are back in school with new social distance rules and masks required. Some of my friends are even managing...

We have a College Graduate!

Anne Mary’s final grades have been posted so I can officially share that she has Graduated with her Bachelor’s degree with a 3.98 /4.00 G.P.A.  She had her major in piano and also minored in voice. She started college with one J-term accelerated class,...

The Modern Library

I have long been a lover of books, and as a homeschool mom to six, have utilized the library to save thousands of dollars on books. But, today’s library has certainly met the challenges of the digital age as well. Here are some of the things we are NOW using...

Prepping Food Ahead for College

To make life simpler, prepare meals ahead to freeze for busy days. This has become such a normal part of my routine, that I do not really consider what a time saver it is for me. But last semester, my college-aged daughter, still living at home had a particularly busy...

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