Will You Please Pray for Rebecca?

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If y’all could say a little prayer for my sweet Rebecca (3 years old), I would appreciate it. Her eyes do not track together. The result is that she gets double vision sometimes. As she has gotten a little older, she also tells us sometimes it’s too dark to see (in broad daylight) and at times she has experienced total vision loss for brief periods. The eye docs have told us that the darkening or the momentary total loss is a result of her brain trying to shut out the eye that is not tracking because the double stimulus is confusing.
As she gets older, this could improve on it’ own or will require therapy or even surgery. For now, due to her very expressive way of explaining it to us and the eye doctor, he is suggesting she see a specialist who usually only works with much older children. He thinks perhaps they can help her, but also says it’s possible they cannot until she is older. I am just a mom, not a therapist, so I am kinda at a loss as to what to do for her that we are not already doing. I am trying to get in with a specialist, but their next opening is in June.
Here is what we are already doing based on advice originally given to us when we first took her for an eye exam six months ago:
  • We play games with her that makes her follow objects that are moving with her eyes- We will play with a ball, rolling it along the ground, tossing it into a laundry basket, etc.
  • We also try to make her look far away for things like birds, planes, etc.
  • We eliminates all “close screen” usage totally- no looking at iPads. kindles, cell phones, etc.
  • We try to limit all “far” screen time very strictly – movies, tv, etc.
  • When we see her eyes are not tracking, we tell her to close her eyes and focus them.
  • When she complains that she can’t see or that it is dark, we tell her to close her eyes and rest them a minute and try again.

Here are our specific prayer requests:

  1. For her vision to naturally improve if that is the Lord’s will.
  2. For her comfort and adjustment as she is dealing with the vision issues.
  3. For the specialist to have suggestions and things that are helpful and hopeful for her, in spite of her young age.
  4. For peace of mind and wisdom for treatment decisions.
  5. For our management of this issue be honoring to God, comforting to our children, and for us to be a blessing among office staff and other patients we encounter as we seek treatment and help.

Also, if you have a young child who has had this issue and had anything that helped, I would appreciate any ideas or advice.

Thank you for joining us in prayer!

1 Comment

  1. Cindy

    Our Rebekah doesn’t have this particular issue, but she has strabismuus (one eye wanders)…she had surgery at about 15 months and wore glasses for reading as she aged. Once we moved to Kenya, she gradually stopped wearing the glasses, but now her eye is once again “wandering.” We got a new prescription, including a pair with one lens occluded that she wears while reading or during screen time, to strengthen the weaker eye. However, if you think of it, could you pray that her eye will come back into alignment? The eye doctor said at her age (13), it is more difficult than if she were younger. And I will sure be praying for your little one!

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