Desperate- Chapter 2 by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson

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On the second chapter of desperate right now.

The questions from the book, although they may be paraphrased are in italics.
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We live in a very isolationist culture.  What are the consequences when a woman does not have companions alongside her?

Women can grow into fear, boredom, complacency.  These are all tools used by the enemy to break down a person, and ultimately a family, and indeed an entire culture.  On a personal level when I am “doing it all on my own.” I feel anxious, tired, and worn out.  I get overwhelmed and discouraged.  I want to console myself with unhealthy things like food, slothfulness, or over-work.  I tend to lose my temper and to be grouchy to my husband and children.  Doing it all alone can be such a drag.

But when I have godly friends in my life encouraging me, lifting me up in prayer, and being the mouthpieces for the Holy Spirit when I refuse to slow down and listen to that still, small, voice- I can see life more clearly, more crisply, more truthfully.  I have grace rather than impatience.  I can overlook wrongs, I can be at peace with others more easily.

How can I develop a network of friends to walk beside me on this journey so I am not alone?  Well, some kid’s show one of mine used to watch said, “If you want to HAVE a friend, you’ve got to BE ONE.” So I am going to be more intentional about seeking out others who need a friend, or at least someone who can use some help and offer what help I am able.

Who is someone more experienced and wiser to help me have perspective in my role as a home educating mother?  I really need to find someone who fits this description and who likewise desires to mentor someone. Is this you?  Hello?  Are you out there?

What should be my focus as a woman of God?  My focus should be loving God and loving others. This is a short answer, and yet it encompasses so much- so much giving, so much sacrifice, so much service, so much thoughtfulness.  So much of laying down my own desires, needs, and wants down at the foot of the cross.  It means doing the work laid out for me cheerfully, gladly and methodically.  It means doing HIS will, and saying, “Your will, not mine, be done.” Oh Lord, give me the grace and mercy I need to do this.  Every. Single. Day.


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