Book Review: The Three Weavers Plus Companion Guide

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The Three Weavers Plus Companion Guide is created for fathers to use in a mentoring relationship with their daughters between the ages of nine to sixteen.Using an allegory as a back drop for the study, fathers and daughters can discuss three very different approaches to protecting and nurturing young ladies.Throughout the allegory, both the daughter and the father get to consider the different parenting approaches as well as the daughters reactions to these styles.The story is plainly leading a young lady and her father to discuss these other relationships and draw conclusions from them to help form their own unique style of godly communication during these more important and formative years.

Throughout the course of the book, they will discuss and discover God’s perfect plan for marriage, explore ways to preserve the daughter’s purity and help a young lady develop her expectations for her future mate. This book is not for the stand on the side-lines kind of father. As a mother of three daughters, I am so thankful this resource is available to help fathers who may be a little confused by the messages of the culture and his own experiences to gain wisdom, clarity and guidelines for helping his daughter through this exciting time.

I highly recommend this book for fathers with a daughter between the ages of 9 and 14 who wish to help cast a godly vision for a future life for his daughter, and open the door of communications.

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