On Tragedys and Calamities

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With calamity all over the world, I decided this month to renew my focus on my little piece of the world, and see what I can do to improve it. I watched in horror as many of you did the tragedy in Japan and wondered how our country would fare under such horrrific conditions. While tsunamis do not seem to be a real threat where we live, we have had periods in recent years of severe power outages (10 days for some folks!). We watched as gas prices climbed through the roof, even as most gas stations had to shut down because power was not available to run the pumps. Ice was sold out, batteries were sold out, generators were sold out. Yet, our family calmly went about our business.

How? First, we were prepared. We owned a generator which had enough power to keep our freezer, fridge, and crockpot running. We also ran lines to our neighbors for their freezer. We had more than enough gas. Once our power was restored, we loaned it out to others who had outages that lasted days longer than ours.

We also had a well-stocked pantry, a freezer with plenty of meat, and had gas for the grill to cook some yummy meals. We even hooked the microwave up one night, briefly, to make microwave popcorn.

But all these provisions hinged on one thing: having access to it. The people in Japan lost everything. Having all the items in the world will do nothing for you unless you can actually get to it. So, part 2 of our “survival” plan includes making sure we know who is always in control. My Jesus, my personal Lord and Savior is always and forever in control. No harm can come to me or my family that was not allowed through His firm grasp, and we must trust him to work all things- even the horrible tragedies in life- for the ultimate good for those who love Him, and to bring honor and glory to Himself.

So, what am I doing to prepare for emergencies? I am working on my walk with the Lord. I am planning some special devotional time with my middle daughters and oldest son. And I will, of course, stock the pantry and check the gas in the generator.


  1. Kim

    I LOVE your perspective on this! So many Christians would rather not deal wth this issue at all. Saying God will provide during these times. Welllll….yes….of course! I 100% agree…however…whom do you think He’ll use as tools to make provision for you? Those that have previously set aside provision for such situations. I would so much rather be the tool being used to help my family and others around me…than the one who had to ask for help because I didn’t prepare anything at all. I’m trusting Him for all things…and being a wise steward of the things He’s blessed me with….that includes a stocked pantry and a semblence of a plan. Thank you Malia!

  2. Amy

    Malia, you nailed this one on the head! What a blessing to be reminded that being truly prepared requires knowing “from whence cometh my help.” We too have seen some of the struggles and have been exceptionally grateful for the provisions God had put in place for us in advance. But in the end it was the calming peace and security of knowing we were completely in the hands of our Savior & Lord Jesus Christ that made it almost easy to handle. And what joy is received when we can help others out!

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