David’s Activities (age 5)

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David is five and I needed to get my act together on structure for his day.  With the latest addition to our family, improv has become a bit more difficult, so his dad and I sat down and made a list of daily activities for David.  What this means is that I will have these items ready each day for him and he will move through his daily activities as time permits.  Please note:

This is NOT a schedule or a strict list, but rather a tool to help me help him have a consistent sense of direction.  In case you are interested, here is the first pass at a draft for this list:
David’s Activities
1. Wake up
2. Eat breakfast
3. Morning chores and Chore Training (Play Suzuki during room clean up)
4. School work with mom (calendar, reading, time and money)
5. Puzzles (Classical CDs)
6. Story time (listening)
7. Outside playtime (bike, walk, chalk. water, plants, gardening, nature walk)
8. Snack
9. Box time (bean, rock, sand)
10. Art time
11. Educational video
12. Lunch
13. Rest time
14. Prayer / devotional
15. Cars / blocks/legos/Lincoln logs
16. Cooking / kitchen skills/play dough
17. Math activities (ex. money counting, matching game)
18. Snack
19. Audio book/CD/music time (instruments)
20. Clean up all activities
21. Wii

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