Review: Chaos to Order by Theresa Powers

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As we head into our day most of us need an organized plan to create order.  Malia Russell’s From Chaos to Order presents organizational tools that will help any family, no matter what age your children are.  Even if you believe that you don’t need extra help in this area, I found great ideas that I had not thought of before to create order.

I appreciated that Malia was real about her own home, and the truth is our homes become chaotic at times.   There are ways to bring order to those times, and with the guidance of God’s Word, Malia carries this out, with 25 tools.

Starting with the most typical distractions, she highlights them and gives greats suggestions to eliminate the distracting part and more useful ways to use them.  Some of these distractions are part of everyday life and we need to master order and discipline over them; things such as the computer, the telephone, the library, and television.

As the tools continue, she talks about eliminating too many decisions.  Let’s be real, there is only so much time in a day, and when mom has too many decisions, it seems like nothing gets done!  I find myself in this position often and I just don’t know where to start.  Again a great set of tools to create some order!  ‘A Place for Everything’ is where she starts and continues with tools for Meal Planning, Schedules, Groceries, Paperwork, Budget, Family Rules, Homeschooling, and Chores.

‘Delegation’ is a great chapter in this book.  It reminds us we cannot accomplish these things alone.  Bring the children into order by assigning everyone their due share.

Throughout the book you will find book and product recommendations that go along with the subject at hand.

Her book finishes with adding goals and spiritual disciplines, and my favorite, practicing joyfulness!

Malia’s clear love for the Lord forms this book.  No advice is given without the guidance of God’s Word.  She has recognized her place in her home as a wife and mother and is sharing not only tools of organization, but of wisdom.

There is a place in every home for this book!

Review by Theresa Powers, Seasons at Home Magazine

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