Favorite Board Games and Organizing Board Games

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With children, now some adults (Kids are aged 11-33), we have spend a large amount of time playing board games, and finding ways to organize them and keep them current has often been a challenge. 

Rumikub- great for multiple ages!

Now, I used to keep up with all the boxes to the games. I would tape the corners to reinforce them. Inside the box, all the tiny pieces would go into gallon sized Ziplock baggies. Then, we went to a vacation home in the Carolinas and discovered their game closet. All the boxes were gone. The boards were all stacked neatly together, and the pieces were stored in baggies that were labeled and included the instructions. This was so smart! The games took up so much less space and there were no battered boxes threatening to slide off the shelves. We decided to do that as well. That was the system we kept for awhile, but then later decided we preferred to keep them in their boxes and would shelve them on their edges, like books to make them easy to remove and replace.


  1. Kahri

    How did they store the bags? Thanks!

  2. Malia

    In a plastic storage container.

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