A Woman Who Fears the LORD

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“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised.’ Proverbs 31:30

What does it mean to fear the LORD?  Here in our house we joke and paraphrase the Bible by saying:  “The fear of mother is the beginning of all wisdom.” But really, I do want my chldren to START life, fearing me.  When my two year old thinks about touching a stove or running away from me, I want his fear of me to be so strong that he trembles at the thought of going against my wishes.  His life is as stake.  When my seven year old thinks about lying or falsely acusing someone about something, I want her to fear me.  It should make her heart pound to think about lying to me.  When my nine year old thinks about slamming a door on a sibling, I want her hand to pause and shake at the thought of the consequence…..but over time, that fear gives way to something more, something better.  Over time she should fear breaking relationship with me more than any consequence I could give her.  You see the fear of me is the beginning of wisdom, but it will not carry them through the real trials. 

Likewise, a wise woman will fear the LORD from the beginning, and let Him lead her in the paths of righteousness.  I have seen God’s mighty hand at work in my family.  He does keep a strong hedge of protection around us, of that I am faithful, but every once in a while he does some disciplining.  Picture his strong hand wrapped around me. He may remove one finger or two and allow some tragedy to befall our family, some pain or some suffering.  Yet, he is faithful.  I know that whatever trouble comes our way, he will ultimately work it together for the GOOD of those who love him.  BUT when I have sinned and am ignoring His word and his examples, I pray that I will tremble in fear….I want to shake like a leaf.  I want to feel sick inside.  I want to feel my heart beating in my chest and feel dread wash over me.  Why would I pray such a prayer?  Because I am made in God’s image.   As a mother, I know that when my children fear me enough to obey, even when they do not want to, it is for their ultimate good and their safety.  When they walk in obedience, even without complete understanding, they will have the best possibilities in life.  Lord, help me to walk in obedience every day, to simply say, “Yes, Sir” and trust you for the rest.  Forgive me for those times I have deliberately stepped out from under the blessing of your protection, and like a toddler run out into the street.  Thank you for being close enough to me at every step to jerk me back to the safe sidewalk when necessary.

1 Comment

  1. Sarah

    All good stuff! It is a wonderful thing to walk in the truth and light of Christ. There is such a joy and peace in all circumstances.

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